Learning Alternative Branch (LAB) School

223 S Industrial Park Road     Norris City, IL 62869       Phone (618)379-9220 

2025 Staff

Sarah Emery, Superintendent semery@roe20.org

Cindy Baumgart, Principal/OP ED Director       csbaumgart@roe20.org

Myron Caudle, Assisstant Principal mcaudle@roe20.org

Ellen "Eme" Basinger, Counselor                                ebasinger@roe20.org

OPEN - High School Math            

Savannah Dorris, High School English      sdorris@roe20.org

Carol Taylor, High School Science/History & Edgenuity ctaylor@roe20.org  

OPEN - ILC/ABC & Enrichment Instructor              

Bill Kittinger, RWECEP Instructor bkittinger@roe20.org

Bailey Moman,  Junior High Instructor                      bmoman@roe20.org

Lana Frymire, JH Paraprofessional lfrymire@roe20.org

Mission Statement, Overview, Educational Objectives and General Information

Mission Statement

The purpose of the ROE #20 Alternative Programs is to provide an educational alternative to students with diverse learning, emotional and cultural needs. This is essential for them to obtain the knowledge and skills to be successful in the learning environment, the work place and in life.

The staff accepts the responsibility to assist all students so they may attain their maximum educational potential through goals set by the pupil, his/her parents, the home school district, community resources and the Alternative School staff.



The Learning Alternative Program is a coordinated effort among area schools and the Regional Office of Education. The program was developed to serve students who need an alternative educational environment to complete jr. high, high school or to prepare for the GED. Through individual and small group instruction, pupils have the opportunity to reach their goals and have successful outcomes. Students earning high school/jr. high credits must be referred by their home school district. The LAB School staff works with students to help set goals and to progress toward jr. high and high school diplomas or GED certificates.

Educational Objectives

The following objectives have been established for all students enrolled in the Learning Alternative Branch Programs provided by the Regional Office of Education #20:

• To master the basic communication skills through application of reading, speaking, listening and reasoning activities

• To become aware of the various opportunities of the world of work and to develop workplace skills and attitudes

• To develop good character and moral integrity through school, community and work activities

• To recognize the rights and cultural differences of others and act with courtesy and respect

• To demonstrate good citizenship in the school, and in local and world communities.


General Information

Students may be placed in the Learning Alternative Branch Program (LAB) upon recommendation of the home school principal, with approval of the district superintendent and the LAB director. The LAB will operate as a transitional program, in hopes the student may return to the home school district to complete his/her education or to complete GED requirements

At the LAB, students attend classes from 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. each day.

Required classes for students to graduate from high school are offered in the alternative program. In order to receive one full credit, a student must complete 118 hours of classroom time, finish all work assigned and achieve passing grades.

TYpes of programs


Designed for students who are at risk of school failure due to being truant, chronic truants, dropouts or potential dropouts with attendance issues.  

Truancy must be the primary reason for referral and schools must have already referred to the ROE #20 Truancy program and have interventions in place which haven't been successful.


Designed for students who have multiple long-term suspensions, or students who are eligible for expulsion or in lieu of expulsion. 

Local districts administratively transfer students to the Regional Safe Schools Program, upon approval by the RSSP.

Referral Process

School districts refer students eligible for the Alternative Education Program or Regional Safe Schools Program through a referral process. The following must be submitted to the Learning Alternative Branch or Regional Office.

NOTE: Additional requirements for students that hold a Special Education IEP or have a history of behavioral disorders.

1.  Completed Referral Form from local school administration.

Please note, the primary reason for referral to the TAOEP is TRUANCY.  Schools must have referred students for the truancy program and show interventions in place, prior to referring students to the TAOEP.

2.  Transcript of student’s grades, achievement tests scores, attendance records & disciplinary referrals.

3.  Student’s health records.

4.  Documentation of pass/fail Constitution Tests.

After the referral documents are received at the Learning Alternative Branch or Regional Office, the referral is reviewed and a meeting is scheduled with the student, the parent and the home school administrator to determine if the student is a candidate for the Truant Alternative Optional Education Program or Regional Safe Schools Program. 

An Individualized Optional Education Plan is written before the student is enrolled in either program.

The Regional Office of Education Learning Alternative Branch (LAB) Schools are funded through grants from the Illinois State Board of Education.

Student data privacy

The ROE #20 LAB School takes the privacy of our student's data seriously. The intention of this page is to ensure the school is compliant and to inform students and parents/guardians about the Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) when it goes into effect July 1, 2021.

What is SOPPA?
Student Data, such as names, birthdates, etc. may be sent to third party vendors like Google, Edgenuity, GoGuardian, etc. What protections do these companies have in place to make sure student data is not sold or freely given to others? This is exactly what SOPPA looks to address. As part of SOPPA, these companies must enter into Data Privacy Agreements (DPA) with each district they work with. These agreements outline what data is stored, how it is protected, what the company can and cannot do with that data, and what they will do in the event of a data breach.

What are Data Privacy Agreements (DPA)?
The ROE #20 LAB School leverages the Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC), which is a unique collaborative of schools, districts, regional, territories and state agencies, policy makers, trade organizations and marketplace providers addressing real-world, adaptable, and implementable solutions to growing data privacy concerns. If you would like to read more about the SDPC, click here. Through the SDPC we enter into contracts with 3rd party vendors who handle our student's data. If you would like to view the DPAs that ROE #20 LAB School currently holds, please click the following link: 


Data Privacy Laws

Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA): Guarantees that student data is protected when collected by educational technology companies, and that data is used for beneficial purposes only.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): Restricts the collection of personal information from children under 13 by companies operating websites, games, mobile applications, and digital services that are directed to children or that collect personal information from individuals known to be children.
Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA): Imposes certain requirements on schools that utilize the federal E-Rate program to receive discounts for internet access and other technology services, or that receive federal grants for other technology expenses.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): Governs information in a student’s education record, restricting access and use of student information

Data Privacy VIDEOS

Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)